Friday, January 13, 2012

Hey there!
Schedule change, so here we are on Saturday January 14!

Hollis Berendt, community activist: So how did the economy collapse in 2008, costing Americans $20 trillion? Really. Join other inquiring minds next week January 21 at 3:00 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 929 15th Street in Greeley to view and discuss the Academy Award winning documentary "Inside Job." See the trailer.

Rich Jones, Bell Policy Center: Priorities for the legislative session, what curve balls to watch for.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration: Tobias J. Guzmán, UNCO Assistant Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Access joins us to talk about how northern Colorado builds on the foundation of King's leadership.

2 p.m. MST.
Tune in!