Thursday, November 15, 2012

ORR Deep Space Here and Now

Hi All!
Each fall since 2006 Open Range Radio has gone walkabout while KFKA presented UNC Bears football and basketball, and prep sports playoffs. This year it is not coming back to NewsTalk 1310 KFKA.
Open Range Radio is going in new directions soon that do not fit well with a traditional broadcast radio format. Besides flexibility in scheduling and feature length I look forward to Open Range Radio exploring audiences based more on demography than geography. I am working on my bread recipes, and I may even start making beer and mead again.
I am not sure yet where we will land. I'm looking at several internet podcast options. Without funding I am leaning toward the cheapest possible choices, which is perfectly consistent with my Scots heritage.
I do want to make one thing perfectly clear: there is no conflict between me and KFKA. I want to explore new ideas without the constraints of a necessarily rigid schedule essential to producing live radio.  While I find many of the opinions expressed in the programs at KFKA an offense to intelligent sensibilities it is important for me to acknowledge that never - I mean never - has the management of KFKA ever imposed on my editorial freedom as a journalist or as a commentator. 
I'll be in touch when I start producing again. In the mean time feel free to follow me @openrangeradio for comments and links to what I am reading at the moment. I will try to update on my blog but I haven't been very well disciplined there (well, here) lately.
Most of all, please be in touch and tell me what you want! No promises except that I will listen.