Friday, April 06, 2012

One in a Row - April 7 Lineup

ORR returns to a regular schedule for the summer, and I'm glad to be back!

The Affordable Care Act has already benefited millions of Americans. Bob Semro from the Bell Policy Center joins us to discuss how people have been helped and what they lose if it is overturned by the Supreme Court.

Colorado House Republicans decided that banks, mortgage companies and their lawyers deserve to foreclose on homeowners just by saying they want to, without producing any documentation of their right to do so. Corrine Fowler from the Colorado Progressive Coalition will explain a ballot initiative to protect homeowners.

Snowpack in Colorado is below average, but what does that really mean? Find out from Mage Skordahl of the Natural Resource Conservation Service and see if we can make better decisions about managing our water resources.

See you on the radio!

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