Friday, June 29, 2012

Greeley Stampede - Weekend 2 0f 2

The 90th Greeley Stampede is building to its grand finale on Independence Day and we are broadcasting from Island Grove Park. 
The Supreme Court of the United States has been busy the past couple weeks, and two major rulings want our attention. 
Most of Arizona's brutal anti-immigrant bill SB-1070 was struck down by the Court. Eddie Soto from the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition discusses this important ruling as well as the President's recently announced deferred enforcement policy and what that means for people in Colorado.
In what may prove to be one of the most important decisions in decades, SCOTUS upheld almost all the key elements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which I am quite comfortable calling ObamaCare. We will discuss the ruling on three levels. 
Melissa Hart, Associate Professor of Law, Director of the Byron R. White Center, University of Colorado Law School will cover the constitutional issues.
Courtney Law, Communications Specialist for Strategies 360 on assignment with Know Your Care discusses implications for federal policy in the ruling.
Bob Semro, Policy Analyst for the Bell Center, forecasts state policy direction now that we know better what to expect federally. 
We won't finish the discussion in this show, but we will get it off to a good start. 
Be there!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Stampede - Weekend 1 of 2

The 90th Greeley Stampede is underway and we are broadcasting from Island Grove Park.
Erie Rising among others still struggles to control fracking in their community. Shane Davis, the Sierra Club Rocky Mountain Chapter Oil and Gas Research Manager, joins us for an update. Why do we have so much water to spare for foreign oil producers but none for Colorado farmers? More information at
Mr. Terrance Carroll, past Speaker of the Colorado General Assembly and currently a board member for Metropolitan Stage College of Denver discusses their decision not to make kids wait longer for an opportunity to complete the education we started them on. 
If you missed the TBD Colorado summit in Greeley Saturday morning, Bell Policy Center's Wade Buchanan will fill you in. Me too, since I will be at the KFKA booth in the morning. 
See you there and on the radio!

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Hello? There's a Campaign On!

Scholarships, Health, Campaigns, Art
Marilena Ortega, President of Hispanic Women of Weld County, announces their annual pancake breakfast scholarship fundraiser next Saturday at Appleby's in Greeley.
The Bell Policy Center's Bob Semro returns to wrap up our unfinished discussion of the future of long term health care in Colorado and what it means for seniors and folks who want to become seniors.
With Rick Palacio, Chair of the Colorado Democratic Party, we will highlight major campaign issues and challenges.
We all deserve to make time for art. Wes Jessup tells us about an important exhibit of the life work of American photographer Edward Weston at the Longmont Museum and Cultural Center.
Take a break from the heat and tune in!

Saturday, June 02, 2012

Aging and Growing

Coming to you from Occupied Weld County, opening commentary on apparent adverse effects of oil and gas development on wireless access. (Why this post is hastily done at the last minute.)
Bob Semro, Bell Policy Center, on long-term health care. boomers take notice. Links to more information at the end of this post.
Food! Choose your own local favorites. Rocky Mountain Farmers Union Bill Stevenson previews this season of markets and co-ops.
The last transit of Venus most of us will see is Tuesday June 5. Matt Benjamin from the Fiske Planetarium tells us how to enjoy it and how to stay interested in astronomy.
Be in tune!

Volunteers of America:  Boomer Bust 2011: Still Unprepared and Unaware
Prudential Research Report:  Long-Term Care Cost Study
From Bad To Worse: Senior Economic Insecurity On The Rise
Deloitte: Medicaid Long-term Care: The ticking time bomb
Colorado Health Institute:  Long-Term Services and Supports in Colorado
Colorado Health Institute:  Long-Term Services and Supports in Colorado: A Growing Need
Colorado State Demography Office: Colorado’s Aging Trends
 University of Denver:  Financing Colorado’s Future: An Analysis of the Fiscal Sustainability of State Government