Friday, June 29, 2012

Greeley Stampede - Weekend 2 0f 2

The 90th Greeley Stampede is building to its grand finale on Independence Day and we are broadcasting from Island Grove Park. 
The Supreme Court of the United States has been busy the past couple weeks, and two major rulings want our attention. 
Most of Arizona's brutal anti-immigrant bill SB-1070 was struck down by the Court. Eddie Soto from the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition discusses this important ruling as well as the President's recently announced deferred enforcement policy and what that means for people in Colorado.
In what may prove to be one of the most important decisions in decades, SCOTUS upheld almost all the key elements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which I am quite comfortable calling ObamaCare. We will discuss the ruling on three levels. 
Melissa Hart, Associate Professor of Law, Director of the Byron R. White Center, University of Colorado Law School will cover the constitutional issues.
Courtney Law, Communications Specialist for Strategies 360 on assignment with Know Your Care discusses implications for federal policy in the ruling.
Bob Semro, Policy Analyst for the Bell Center, forecasts state policy direction now that we know better what to expect federally. 
We won't finish the discussion in this show, but we will get it off to a good start. 
Be there!

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