Saturday, July 07, 2012

Economy Building, Health Care, Fracking

Lineup for July 7, 2012
Updated revenue estimates for the State of Colorado are optimistic. How do they track economic growth, and are they sustainable? Bell Policy Center Director for policy and Research Rich Jones introduces this multifaceted set of relationships and sets the stage for future discussions.
The US Supreme Court decision to uphold the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) has so many ramifications for so many people we need to take our review a few steps at a time. This ruling is especially important to under served populations such as Latinas and their families. Returning to ORR to help us better understand their special issues and potential solutions is Lorena Garcia, Executive Director of COLORLatina. There is a way for each of us to help.
Fracking happens. We continue our discussion with Shane Davis, the Sierra Club Rocky Mountain Chapter Oil and Gas Research Manager. What are the contaminants, and who is monitoring them? Why do we have so much water to spare for foreign oil producers but none for Colorado farmers? More information at
Tune in! 

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