Friday, July 13, 2012

Revenue Handicaps, War on Voters, Agriculture, Justice

Lineup for July 14, 2012
Colorado's broken revenue system is slowing economic recovery by starving education, infrastructure and other critical resources that should be supporting growth, and it is impeding Coloradoans' competitiveness and health in the long term. Bell Policy Center President Wade Buchanan helps us start to pull these pieces together.
Some conservative commentators recently have called voting a privilege. They are wrong. Very wrong. Voting is a fundamental right and we must always be on guard against those who would erect barriers where none need exist. Elena Nuñez, Executive Director, Colorado Common Cause joins us to explain strategies and tactics being brought to bear against voters' rights, and what we can all do to ensure every American is able to vote their will.
If you eat, you are involved in agriculture. Every five years the Congress tries to pass a Farm Bill. This year it is hung up in the House of Representatives in a fight over how much to cut supplemental nutrition and school lunch programs, and how much to pay people and corporations not to grow or produce anything. Rocky Mountain Farmers Union Executive Director Ben Rainbolt explains why so many of us need the Farm Bill passed sooner than later.
And a note to save a date: A memorial march commemorating 40 years since the murder of Colorado activist Ricardo Falcón starts in Fort Lupton at 10:30 a.m. August 18. Stay tuned for more details when we get closer to the event. 


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