Saturday, September 01, 2012

Colorado CD4, Medicare and Medicaid, Voting Women's Health

Lineup for September 1, 2012

All seats in the US House of Representatives are up for election every two years. Incumbent Representative Cory Gardner and Colorado Senator Brandon Shaffer are invited to debate the issues they think are important. As of this posting only one has confirmed his intent to participate, so we may go up to the the bumper music before we know who joins us on air.

Lots of distractions, but there a a couple of key factors that tell us whose side candidates are on with Medicare and Medicaid. Bell Policy Center Analyst Bob Semro wraps up our discussion.

Which candidates stand with women, and who stands in the way of their rightful access to health care and family planning? Planned Parenthood Votes Colorado's Vicki Cowart gives us the play list.

ORR is On Air at 2:00 p.m. MDT so tune in at 1310 in northern Colorado or stream at .

After today's show I go walkabout for the duration of UNC Bears fall football, so follow @openrangeradio on twitter or check in to for updates.

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