Saturday, July 28, 2012

100 Days, Health Insurance Co-op, Budget Solutions, Chautauqua

Lineup for July 28, 2012

We have an election in 100 days on November 6. We can go forward or backward. To go forward hear Joe Perez and Pat Gifford Bruner tell us how you can be the one who matters in re-electing President Obama, starting this weekend. It Takes One.

Affordable health insurance and quality health care for all Coloradoans is the goal for the Colorado Health Insurance Cooperative which has been funded with a $69 million loan under the Affordable Care Act. Formation Board President Lindy Wallace explains the process and how it fits into the ACA exchanges that open in 2014.

Bell Policy Center President Wade Buchanan continues our discussion of Colorado's structural budget deficit. This week – what solutions are available to keep the store open for the long run.

The Chautauqua is a uniquely American tradition that brings our history to life. High Plains Chautauqua volunteers Jana Caldwell and Gail Rowe introduce this year's opening events in Greeley.

And a note to save a date: A memorial march commemorating 40 years since the murder of Colorado activist Ricardo Falcón starts in Fort Lupton at 10:30 a.m. August 18. Stay tuned for more details.

ORR is On Air at 2:00 p.m. MDT so tune in at 1310 in northern Colorado, streaming at .

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Lineup for July 21, 2012

Life Goes On, War on Voters, Budget Economics, Space

A tragic shooting ended lives and disrupted more in Aurora, Colorado Friday night. Information to give help and to seek help:
Regular updates and links from the Denver Post,
And if you are among the seven billion other people in the world who are not profoundly affected by this tragedy, that is okay too.

Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler (keep an eye on him here) is a leader in the GOP strategy to deny citizens their right to vote in the coming election. Progress Now Colorado's Joanne Schwartz briefs us on the current state of affairs, and what people can do in their own defense.

Last week we introduced some ways that Colorado's broken revenue system is slowing economic recovery by starving education, infrastructure and other critical resources that should be supporting growth. We are losing ground for Coloradoans' competitiveness and health in the long term. Bell Policy Center Policy and Research Director Rich Jones helps us assemble these divers pieces.

Space is big, hard to see and still a frontier of opportunity for all of us. Bob Stack joins us to talk about how we are learning more about Mars, and why Curiosity is good for you. Things like the International Space Station to look up and see, too!

And a note to save a date: A memorial march commemorating 40 years since the murder of Colorado activist Ricardo Falcón starts in Fort Lupton at 10:30 a.m. August 18. Stay tuned for more details.

ORR is On Air at 2:00 p.m. MDT so tune in at 1310 in northern Colorado, streaming at .

Friday, July 13, 2012

Revenue Handicaps, War on Voters, Agriculture, Justice

Lineup for July 14, 2012
Colorado's broken revenue system is slowing economic recovery by starving education, infrastructure and other critical resources that should be supporting growth, and it is impeding Coloradoans' competitiveness and health in the long term. Bell Policy Center President Wade Buchanan helps us start to pull these pieces together.
Some conservative commentators recently have called voting a privilege. They are wrong. Very wrong. Voting is a fundamental right and we must always be on guard against those who would erect barriers where none need exist. Elena Nuñez, Executive Director, Colorado Common Cause joins us to explain strategies and tactics being brought to bear against voters' rights, and what we can all do to ensure every American is able to vote their will.
If you eat, you are involved in agriculture. Every five years the Congress tries to pass a Farm Bill. This year it is hung up in the House of Representatives in a fight over how much to cut supplemental nutrition and school lunch programs, and how much to pay people and corporations not to grow or produce anything. Rocky Mountain Farmers Union Executive Director Ben Rainbolt explains why so many of us need the Farm Bill passed sooner than later.
And a note to save a date: A memorial march commemorating 40 years since the murder of Colorado activist Ricardo Falcón starts in Fort Lupton at 10:30 a.m. August 18. Stay tuned for more details when we get closer to the event. 


Saturday, July 07, 2012

Economy Building, Health Care, Fracking

Lineup for July 7, 2012
Updated revenue estimates for the State of Colorado are optimistic. How do they track economic growth, and are they sustainable? Bell Policy Center Director for policy and Research Rich Jones introduces this multifaceted set of relationships and sets the stage for future discussions.
The US Supreme Court decision to uphold the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) has so many ramifications for so many people we need to take our review a few steps at a time. This ruling is especially important to under served populations such as Latinas and their families. Returning to ORR to help us better understand their special issues and potential solutions is Lorena Garcia, Executive Director of COLORLatina. There is a way for each of us to help.
Fracking happens. We continue our discussion with Shane Davis, the Sierra Club Rocky Mountain Chapter Oil and Gas Research Manager. What are the contaminants, and who is monitoring them? Why do we have so much water to spare for foreign oil producers but none for Colorado farmers? More information at
Tune in!