Saturday, August 04, 2012

Chikin, Fracking, Budget Solutions, Chautauqua

Lineup for August 4, 2012

How does industrialized food become a political statement? Discuss.

Why are people complaining about how the Weld County commissioners consistently are siding with oil and gas developers against the people who elected them? It's what they asked for.

Bell Policy Center Research and Policy Director Rich Jones continues our discussion of Colorado's structural budget deficit. This week we will develop a model solution. Start somewhere!

The High Plains Chautauqua readies to go into high gear. Volunteer Jana Caldwell presents this year's featured scholars. Special guests on air today include labor organizer Mary Harris “Mother” Jones and Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton as well as Tillie Newman and Hal Bidlack.

And a note to save a date: A memorial march commemorating 40 years since the murder of Colorado activist Ricardo Falcón starts in Fort Lupton at 10:30 a.m. August 18. Stay tuned for more details.

ORR is On Air at 2:00 p.m. MDT so tune in at 1310 in northern Colorado or stream at .

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