Saturday, August 11, 2012

Do-Nothing Congress, Women's Health, State Budget Cure, Ricardo Falcón Memorial March

Lineup for August 11, 2012

Now on vacation after doing no real work at all, Congress leaves America in the lurch while not acting on important legislation like the Farm Bill, expiring tax cuts for middle-income families and looming carnage from federal budget sequestration. Colorado Senate President Brandon Shaffer offers a novel approach – actually working for the people.

Colorado has been down this road before, but some people seem not to hear the message from Colorado voters – No Personhood! Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains Marketing and Communications Director Monica MacCafferty reviews with us – again – why this is a major women's health and justice issue.

We are almost there! Bell Policy Center Research and Policy Director Rich Jones wraps up our discussion of Colorado's structural budget deficit. This week we will flesh out a model solution.

Ricardo Romero from Al Frente de Lucha announces next week's memorial march commemorating 40 years since the murder of Colorado Latino activist Ricardo Falcón. It starts in Fort Lupton at 10:30 a.m. August 18 at the ball field on South Denver Avenue .

ORR is On Air at 2:00 p.m. MDT so tune in at 1310 in northern Colorado or stream at .

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