Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sometimes Parting Is Just So Easy
With so many reliable, trustworthy and well-written publications available in print and online M and I decided not to renew our subscription to the Greeley Tribune next time it came up. It's not a protest decision as much as one reflecting how little value the Tribune offers. The renewal notice came in the mail this week, I checked in with M and we reconfirmed our decision. 
Today's Page 1 lede just made it so easy to follow through.
The Greeley Tribune generally is poorly written, riddled with elementary grammar errors and baldly partisan. We had stayed on anyway because there are so few sources for local news but even their coverage of south Weld County has been getting thin lately. And unlike publications such as the New York Times, the Tribune's publisher has the gall to charge print subscribers an additional fee for online access. (I never paid it.)
One expects a newspaper's editorial board to take positions on important issues but most reserve opinion for the editorial pages, not the news section. For several months the Tribune has run a weekly full page promotion for the oil and gas industry in it's A Section, but has never exercised the integrity to label it as the advertising it obviously represents. Today they trumped even that on Page 1, deriding the people of Longmont and Fort Collins - unlike the paragons of public service in Greeley - for "having difficulty accepting that fracking really is good." For those of us who daily dodge rampaging drilling rigs and service trucks on the roads, slide through spilled fluids and mud on the highways and endure the stench of new sources of exhaust and fugitive volatile toxins fracking is far from unreservedly beneficial. 
So goodbye Greeley Tribune, and thanks for making it so easy to leave you to your own little world.  

Update: The Greeley Tribune web site does not post the lede found in the print editions. here is the entire headline and lede:
"A familiar partnership
"Greeley officials and residents - for the most part - like the results of oil and gas drilling in its limits. But other cities, like Longmont and Fort Collins, are having difficulty accepting that fracking really is good." (Emphasis theirs.)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

ORR Deep Space Here and Now

Hi All!
Each fall since 2006 Open Range Radio has gone walkabout while KFKA presented UNC Bears football and basketball, and prep sports playoffs. This year it is not coming back to NewsTalk 1310 KFKA.
Open Range Radio is going in new directions soon that do not fit well with a traditional broadcast radio format. Besides flexibility in scheduling and feature length I look forward to Open Range Radio exploring audiences based more on demography than geography. I am working on my bread recipes, and I may even start making beer and mead again.
I am not sure yet where we will land. I'm looking at several internet podcast options. Without funding I am leaning toward the cheapest possible choices, which is perfectly consistent with my Scots heritage.
I do want to make one thing perfectly clear: there is no conflict between me and KFKA. I want to explore new ideas without the constraints of a necessarily rigid schedule essential to producing live radio.  While I find many of the opinions expressed in the programs at KFKA an offense to intelligent sensibilities it is important for me to acknowledge that never - I mean never - has the management of KFKA ever imposed on my editorial freedom as a journalist or as a commentator. 
I'll be in touch when I start producing again. In the mean time feel free to follow me @openrangeradio for comments and links to what I am reading at the moment. I will try to update on my blog but I haven't been very well disciplined there (well, here) lately.
Most of all, please be in touch and tell me what you want! No promises except that I will listen.

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Tu Voto Es Tu Voz

Grab your voice and use it!

Saturday, October 6th ¡Todos A Votar! (Let’s Vote!) and Polly Baca Come to Greeley to Excite and Engage Voters!

Who: 3 days before registration closes, Polly Baca and CLLARO will come to Greeley to engage and excite Latino voters for the 2012 election.

What: A fun and exciting day at the park to talk to the community about their vote and how to empower friends and family to become active voters. Thanks to our sponsors: CLLARO, HISPANIC WOMEN OF WELD COUNTY, CITY OF GREELEY, LA FAMILIA BROADCASTING

Where: Rodarte Center, 920 A Street in Greeley
When: Saturday, October 6th 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm

WHY?: Change does not happen by chance, and if we don’t vote, politicians will ignore the issues and priorities that are important to the Latino communities across the nation. That is why Latino organizations statewide are working with communities to engage them.
Alvina Vasquez
Communications Director
Strong Colorado
303- 881 3875

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Romney Lunch Dismisses Farmworker Rights

As representatives and supporters of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) protested abuse of Florida farmworkers in Florida at Chipotle's Denver headquarters today, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney bought a burrito bowl for lunch at a Chipotle restaurant in Denver.

CIW protesters built a pyramid at Chipotle corporate headquarters of 153 tomato buckets, the number of buckets of tomatoes a picker must gather in a day to earn the equivalent of the U.S. minimum wage. Unlike many chain restaurants and retailers such as YUM Brands, McDonald's, Burger King and others in the U.S., Chipotle refuses to join CIW's Fair Food Program according to the Denver Post.

Romney and Ohio Senator Rob Portman each got a carnitas burrito bowl with guacamole to go.

Immokalee farm workers who do not earn minimum wage for their labor also do not earn enough to be required to pay income tax, so are part of the 47% of American's Romney has said he does not need to be concerned about.

Sunday, September 02, 2012

Regent Stephen Ludwig Campaigns in Fort Lupton

Is state funding for higher education in Colorado's budget future?

Whether and how to sustain this important investment in all our communities' futures is one of the key questions concerning University of Colorado Regent Steve Ludwig as he seeks election to a second term. In Fort Lupton on Day#1 of his "64 in 10" swing through Colorado he cited a report by the Economic Futures Group at Denver University calling that future into question. Projecting an end to state funding in as few as ten years without significant changes to the state's revenues and spending priorities, it is a report that only a wonk can love but which keeps budget analysts awake at night. (We have discussed this subject on air at length with Rich Jones and Wade Buchanan of the Bell Policy Center.

The next CU Board of Regents will play a major role in securing the future of higher education in Colorado. At-large regent is one of the most influential and least visible statewide positions you will ever see on the ballot. The CU Regents govern the whole University of Colorado system, and advocate on its behalf at the Colorado General Assembly each year. It is not a paid position, but it is an enormous commitment of time and effort. Don't forget to scroll down on your ballot this year and find the box for Stephen Ludwig

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Colorado CD4, Medicare and Medicaid, Voting Women's Health

Lineup for September 1, 2012

All seats in the US House of Representatives are up for election every two years. Incumbent Representative Cory Gardner and Colorado Senator Brandon Shaffer are invited to debate the issues they think are important. As of this posting only one has confirmed his intent to participate, so we may go up to the the bumper music before we know who joins us on air.

Lots of distractions, but there a a couple of key factors that tell us whose side candidates are on with Medicare and Medicaid. Bell Policy Center Analyst Bob Semro wraps up our discussion.

Which candidates stand with women, and who stands in the way of their rightful access to health care and family planning? Planned Parenthood Votes Colorado's Vicki Cowart gives us the play list.

ORR is On Air at 2:00 p.m. MDT so tune in at 1310 in northern Colorado or stream at .

After today's show I go walkabout for the duration of UNC Bears fall football, so follow @openrangeradio on twitter or check in to for updates.

Friday, August 24, 2012

First Debate – HD50, Feeding Weld County

Lineup for August 25, 2012

All Colorado General Assembly seats are up for election every two years. House District 50 incumbent Representative Dave Young and his challenger Arthur “Skip” Carlson will debate the issues they think are important.

The world's wealthiest nation has never been able to feed all its own. We can't solve that in an afternoon, but we can make another effort closer to home. Weld Food Bank Executive Director Bob O'Connor and Chef Gloria Picinina share their programs and invite you to be part of the solution in the eighth most productive agriculture county in the nation.

ORR is On Air at 2:00 p.m. MDT so tune in at 1310 in northern Colorado or stream at .

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Justice, Medicare, Space and Earth's Future

Lineup for August 18, 2012

Late Fort Lupton native Ricardo Falcon is remembered today in a memorial march and dedication to continue work toward justice. Reports. 
Updating: Nelson Rodriguez and Daniel Salcido are planning to call in. Here are a couple photos from the beginning of the march (clearly illustrating why I am a radio host, not a photographer!)

Fact checking the Medicare debate: what it is now and what is proposed are not always what we are being told. Bell Policy Center Policy Analyst Bob Semro helps us see through some of the fog.

Forever students, Bob Stack and I started a conversation before Curiosity landed on Mars. Today he joins us to continue our talk about how we are learning more about Mars, and why Curiosity is good for you. Things like the International Space Station to look up and see, too! We also will touch on diverse visions for the future of space exploration.

ORR is On Air at 2:00 p.m. MDT so tune in at 1310 in northern Colorado or stream at .

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Do-Nothing Congress, Women's Health, State Budget Cure, Ricardo Falcón Memorial March

Lineup for August 11, 2012

Now on vacation after doing no real work at all, Congress leaves America in the lurch while not acting on important legislation like the Farm Bill, expiring tax cuts for middle-income families and looming carnage from federal budget sequestration. Colorado Senate President Brandon Shaffer offers a novel approach – actually working for the people.

Colorado has been down this road before, but some people seem not to hear the message from Colorado voters – No Personhood! Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains Marketing and Communications Director Monica MacCafferty reviews with us – again – why this is a major women's health and justice issue.

We are almost there! Bell Policy Center Research and Policy Director Rich Jones wraps up our discussion of Colorado's structural budget deficit. This week we will flesh out a model solution.

Ricardo Romero from Al Frente de Lucha announces next week's memorial march commemorating 40 years since the murder of Colorado Latino activist Ricardo Falcón. It starts in Fort Lupton at 10:30 a.m. August 18 at the ball field on South Denver Avenue .

ORR is On Air at 2:00 p.m. MDT so tune in at 1310 in northern Colorado or stream at .

Saturday, August 04, 2012

Chikin, Fracking, Budget Solutions, Chautauqua

Lineup for August 4, 2012

How does industrialized food become a political statement? Discuss.

Why are people complaining about how the Weld County commissioners consistently are siding with oil and gas developers against the people who elected them? It's what they asked for.

Bell Policy Center Research and Policy Director Rich Jones continues our discussion of Colorado's structural budget deficit. This week we will develop a model solution. Start somewhere!

The High Plains Chautauqua readies to go into high gear. Volunteer Jana Caldwell presents this year's featured scholars. Special guests on air today include labor organizer Mary Harris “Mother” Jones and Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton as well as Tillie Newman and Hal Bidlack.

And a note to save a date: A memorial march commemorating 40 years since the murder of Colorado activist Ricardo Falcón starts in Fort Lupton at 10:30 a.m. August 18. Stay tuned for more details.

ORR is On Air at 2:00 p.m. MDT so tune in at 1310 in northern Colorado or stream at .

Saturday, July 28, 2012

100 Days, Health Insurance Co-op, Budget Solutions, Chautauqua

Lineup for July 28, 2012

We have an election in 100 days on November 6. We can go forward or backward. To go forward hear Joe Perez and Pat Gifford Bruner tell us how you can be the one who matters in re-electing President Obama, starting this weekend. It Takes One.

Affordable health insurance and quality health care for all Coloradoans is the goal for the Colorado Health Insurance Cooperative which has been funded with a $69 million loan under the Affordable Care Act. Formation Board President Lindy Wallace explains the process and how it fits into the ACA exchanges that open in 2014.

Bell Policy Center President Wade Buchanan continues our discussion of Colorado's structural budget deficit. This week – what solutions are available to keep the store open for the long run.

The Chautauqua is a uniquely American tradition that brings our history to life. High Plains Chautauqua volunteers Jana Caldwell and Gail Rowe introduce this year's opening events in Greeley.

And a note to save a date: A memorial march commemorating 40 years since the murder of Colorado activist Ricardo Falcón starts in Fort Lupton at 10:30 a.m. August 18. Stay tuned for more details.

ORR is On Air at 2:00 p.m. MDT so tune in at 1310 in northern Colorado, streaming at .

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Lineup for July 21, 2012

Life Goes On, War on Voters, Budget Economics, Space

A tragic shooting ended lives and disrupted more in Aurora, Colorado Friday night. Information to give help and to seek help:
Regular updates and links from the Denver Post,
And if you are among the seven billion other people in the world who are not profoundly affected by this tragedy, that is okay too.

Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler (keep an eye on him here) is a leader in the GOP strategy to deny citizens their right to vote in the coming election. Progress Now Colorado's Joanne Schwartz briefs us on the current state of affairs, and what people can do in their own defense.

Last week we introduced some ways that Colorado's broken revenue system is slowing economic recovery by starving education, infrastructure and other critical resources that should be supporting growth. We are losing ground for Coloradoans' competitiveness and health in the long term. Bell Policy Center Policy and Research Director Rich Jones helps us assemble these divers pieces.

Space is big, hard to see and still a frontier of opportunity for all of us. Bob Stack joins us to talk about how we are learning more about Mars, and why Curiosity is good for you. Things like the International Space Station to look up and see, too!

And a note to save a date: A memorial march commemorating 40 years since the murder of Colorado activist Ricardo Falcón starts in Fort Lupton at 10:30 a.m. August 18. Stay tuned for more details.

ORR is On Air at 2:00 p.m. MDT so tune in at 1310 in northern Colorado, streaming at .

Friday, July 13, 2012

Revenue Handicaps, War on Voters, Agriculture, Justice

Lineup for July 14, 2012
Colorado's broken revenue system is slowing economic recovery by starving education, infrastructure and other critical resources that should be supporting growth, and it is impeding Coloradoans' competitiveness and health in the long term. Bell Policy Center President Wade Buchanan helps us start to pull these pieces together.
Some conservative commentators recently have called voting a privilege. They are wrong. Very wrong. Voting is a fundamental right and we must always be on guard against those who would erect barriers where none need exist. Elena Nuñez, Executive Director, Colorado Common Cause joins us to explain strategies and tactics being brought to bear against voters' rights, and what we can all do to ensure every American is able to vote their will.
If you eat, you are involved in agriculture. Every five years the Congress tries to pass a Farm Bill. This year it is hung up in the House of Representatives in a fight over how much to cut supplemental nutrition and school lunch programs, and how much to pay people and corporations not to grow or produce anything. Rocky Mountain Farmers Union Executive Director Ben Rainbolt explains why so many of us need the Farm Bill passed sooner than later.
And a note to save a date: A memorial march commemorating 40 years since the murder of Colorado activist Ricardo Falcón starts in Fort Lupton at 10:30 a.m. August 18. Stay tuned for more details when we get closer to the event. 


Saturday, July 07, 2012

Economy Building, Health Care, Fracking

Lineup for July 7, 2012
Updated revenue estimates for the State of Colorado are optimistic. How do they track economic growth, and are they sustainable? Bell Policy Center Director for policy and Research Rich Jones introduces this multifaceted set of relationships and sets the stage for future discussions.
The US Supreme Court decision to uphold the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) has so many ramifications for so many people we need to take our review a few steps at a time. This ruling is especially important to under served populations such as Latinas and their families. Returning to ORR to help us better understand their special issues and potential solutions is Lorena Garcia, Executive Director of COLORLatina. There is a way for each of us to help.
Fracking happens. We continue our discussion with Shane Davis, the Sierra Club Rocky Mountain Chapter Oil and Gas Research Manager. What are the contaminants, and who is monitoring them? Why do we have so much water to spare for foreign oil producers but none for Colorado farmers? More information at
Tune in! 

Friday, June 29, 2012

Greeley Stampede - Weekend 2 0f 2

The 90th Greeley Stampede is building to its grand finale on Independence Day and we are broadcasting from Island Grove Park. 
The Supreme Court of the United States has been busy the past couple weeks, and two major rulings want our attention. 
Most of Arizona's brutal anti-immigrant bill SB-1070 was struck down by the Court. Eddie Soto from the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition discusses this important ruling as well as the President's recently announced deferred enforcement policy and what that means for people in Colorado.
In what may prove to be one of the most important decisions in decades, SCOTUS upheld almost all the key elements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which I am quite comfortable calling ObamaCare. We will discuss the ruling on three levels. 
Melissa Hart, Associate Professor of Law, Director of the Byron R. White Center, University of Colorado Law School will cover the constitutional issues.
Courtney Law, Communications Specialist for Strategies 360 on assignment with Know Your Care discusses implications for federal policy in the ruling.
Bob Semro, Policy Analyst for the Bell Center, forecasts state policy direction now that we know better what to expect federally. 
We won't finish the discussion in this show, but we will get it off to a good start. 
Be there!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Stampede - Weekend 1 of 2

The 90th Greeley Stampede is underway and we are broadcasting from Island Grove Park.
Erie Rising among others still struggles to control fracking in their community. Shane Davis, the Sierra Club Rocky Mountain Chapter Oil and Gas Research Manager, joins us for an update. Why do we have so much water to spare for foreign oil producers but none for Colorado farmers? More information at
Mr. Terrance Carroll, past Speaker of the Colorado General Assembly and currently a board member for Metropolitan Stage College of Denver discusses their decision not to make kids wait longer for an opportunity to complete the education we started them on. 
If you missed the TBD Colorado summit in Greeley Saturday morning, Bell Policy Center's Wade Buchanan will fill you in. Me too, since I will be at the KFKA booth in the morning. 
See you there and on the radio!

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Hello? There's a Campaign On!

Scholarships, Health, Campaigns, Art
Marilena Ortega, President of Hispanic Women of Weld County, announces their annual pancake breakfast scholarship fundraiser next Saturday at Appleby's in Greeley.
The Bell Policy Center's Bob Semro returns to wrap up our unfinished discussion of the future of long term health care in Colorado and what it means for seniors and folks who want to become seniors.
With Rick Palacio, Chair of the Colorado Democratic Party, we will highlight major campaign issues and challenges.
We all deserve to make time for art. Wes Jessup tells us about an important exhibit of the life work of American photographer Edward Weston at the Longmont Museum and Cultural Center.
Take a break from the heat and tune in!

Saturday, June 02, 2012

Aging and Growing

Coming to you from Occupied Weld County, opening commentary on apparent adverse effects of oil and gas development on wireless access. (Why this post is hastily done at the last minute.)
Bob Semro, Bell Policy Center, on long-term health care. boomers take notice. Links to more information at the end of this post.
Food! Choose your own local favorites. Rocky Mountain Farmers Union Bill Stevenson previews this season of markets and co-ops.
The last transit of Venus most of us will see is Tuesday June 5. Matt Benjamin from the Fiske Planetarium tells us how to enjoy it and how to stay interested in astronomy.
Be in tune!

Volunteers of America:  Boomer Bust 2011: Still Unprepared and Unaware
Prudential Research Report:  Long-Term Care Cost Study
From Bad To Worse: Senior Economic Insecurity On The Rise
Deloitte: Medicaid Long-term Care: The ticking time bomb
Colorado Health Institute:  Long-Term Services and Supports in Colorado
Colorado Health Institute:  Long-Term Services and Supports in Colorado: A Growing Need
Colorado State Demography Office: Colorado’s Aging Trends
 University of Denver:  Financing Colorado’s Future: An Analysis of the Fiscal Sustainability of State Government

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Unofficially Summer

Happy Memorial Day, especially to all who serve and their families.
There is still work to be done.
Bell Policy Center President Wade Buchanan brings us current on progress in the governor's TBD project.
The Brothers Valenzuela - Meet Manuel Valenzuela, Marine veteran under threat of deportation, and think about how we are treating our veterans.
If Momma's not happy... Moms in Erie want to shield their children from drilling hazards. Jen Palazzolo tells us we are just getting started here with Erie Rising.
The Affordable Care Act - Obamacare - is already affecting Latino communities. Olivia Mendoza, Executive Director of the Colorado Latino Leadership Advocacy & Research Organization (CLLARO,) announces a special training opportunity for community leaders at Plan de Salud in Fort Lupton this Tuesday at 5:00 p.m.
And just to be sure, please take a moment to recall why this is a holiday weekend. 

Next weekend make time for the Lyons Studio Tour (click on the logo when the page opens) to meet area artists and enjoy their work, and make your own at the Depot Library.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Weary of the legislature?

I am, especially over the obstruction of progress by a partisan minority.
It took only two sessions, but somehow our electeds managed to find time for some of the people's work. We wrap up the session with Bell Policy Center Director for policy and Research Rich Jones. 
Not all women in America enjoy equal pay, access to health care or protection against violence in the workplace or at home. Helping to define the issues and seek solutions today will be Lorena Garcia, Executive Director of COLORLatina. There is a way for each of us to help.
Look up Sunday! Carefully, or it will hurt! A partial eclipse of the sun will occur, clouds or no. Join Matt Benjamin from the Fiske Planetarium for tips on how to have fun with an eclipse.
We'll see you on the radio!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

On Deck: Special Session of the Colorado General Assembly

PeaceJam premieres their new film "Mayan Renaissance" during the United Nation's World Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York next week. Dawn Engle gives us a preview.

House Speaker Frank McNulty orchestrated a filibuster of the civil union bill that had enough votes to pass, so it died along with nearly 30 other bills including funding for water projects in a drought year and insurance reform needed by Colorado businesses to continue our economic recovery. We will talk about collateral damage with Bell Policy Center Director for policy and Research Rich Jones.

For details and strategy for civil unions in the special legislative session that starts Monday we will be joined by One Colorado Executive Director Brad Clark. Hope springs eternal.

Hispanic Women of Weld County continues their work to empower Latinas in northern Colorado. HWWC President Marilena Ortega will share some happy news about their scholarship program.

For information about the South Weld Dems meeting Thursday with RMFU President Kent Peppler click on the calendar at .

Saturday, May 05, 2012

Sunny Colorado, Muddy Churchill Downs

Early races at Churchill Downs were cancelled to preserve the track for the Run for the Roses. My picks: Union Rags to win, long shot Rousing Sermon to show, but none of the horses has much experience in the mud. Make your best guess and join me to watch the race after the show at the Kress Lounge (good mint juleps.)
The Latino Chamber of Northern Colorado hosts Greeley's Cinco de Mayo festivities at Island Grove Park today. We'll have an update and reminder of the rest of the days activities.
Bell Policy Center President reviews the last full week of the Colorado legislature.
Joe Perez and friends preview the Obama re-election campaign that kicks off officially today.

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Run for the Roses - Thursday Notes

If anyone else in Colorado is writing about the Derby, please drop me a line and let me know who. As for the Denver Post, I am pretty sure none of the Nuggets, Rockies or Broncos will be in Louisville this Saturday.

Here is who I like today but I don't have to decide until late Friday where my money goes.

Union Rags (9-2) - Not the line favorite today, but on or near the top last couple of weeks. He's big, he's tall, he's strong and fast. #4 post is a good place for him to start.
Gemologist (6-1) - With the #15 post position he is is a good place to stretch out in the sweeping turns of Churchill Downs. If it rains (40% chance per Weather Channel) he's pretty well screwed.
Hansen (10-1) - Starting just inside Gemologist, which is an advantage, but doubt about his ability to make the distance. 

Cannot ignore: Take Charge Indy (15-1) under Calvin Borel posts #3. Borel loves the rail and performs magic at the Derby, but the least stumble on the start and he's done.

My favorite long shot - Rousing Sermon (50-1) has finished closely behind some great horses -on shorter tracks. From the #7 position if he can avoid getting blocked out he will be in a position to push at the end when the more favorite sprinters start flagging. Big if, but that's the risk-reward thing. I think I might have another $2. 

I'll make time on the show Saturday to discuss. Then join me to watch the race and enjoy a mint julep at the Kress Lounge.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Post-show links for guests - April 28

We got today's show off okay, but I've been missing my marks all weekend. 
Here are links for today's guests and their organizations or programs.
Bell Policy Center: Rich Jones gave us a post mortem on SB-15 the Colorado ASSET bill that would have enabled thousands of kids without the right documents to continue their educations in Colorado instead of leaving for adjacent states.
Colorado Consumer Health Initiative: Dede de Percin discussed how Obamacare is already helping Coloradoans get better access to more and improved health care.
Latino Chamber of Northern Colorado: Cinco de Mayo! Richard Garcia and the rest of the Chamber Board invite everyone to Island Grove next Saturday May 5 for free fun family friendly activities all day. 
Thanks and stay tuned!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

April 21 - I think spring is here to stay

A busy week, and lots coming up.

Something went wrong with printing the ballots for Fort Lupton Fire Protection District. Chief Phil Tiffany explains how district residents can vote on a pair of ballot measures that will enable folks in the Fort Lupton area to continue counting on the service they expect. 

All voting is by mail, so if you need help with voting or getting a ballot contact:
Designated Election Official
Allyson Tkadlec
Fort Lupton Fire Protection District
Administration Office
1121 Denver Avenue
Fort Lupton, CO 80621
Between the hours of 8 AM and 5 PM, Monday through Friday.
Office Number 303 857 4603
More ballot information is available at

The Colorado General Assembly is moving the budget with suspiciously little controversy. Bell Policy Center Director for policy and research explains. Promise - we will make the budget interesting.

Colorado ASSET, a low-cost way to enhance Colorado high school graduates' educational opportunities, passed the Senate and is in the House. It needs a push to get through to the Governor. Erika Blum with the Higher Education Access Alliance tells us how to help. Contact information and an easy email link for key representatives is HERE.

And our friends at the UNCO chapter of Nu Alpha Kappa are hosting their annual NAKLand event tomorrow April 22 for kids and their parents in northern Colorado. Free entertainment, lunch and family time. Rudi Vargas and Cory Wilson join us to invite you personally.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

April 14 - Snow in the Forecast

April 14 - Snow in the Forecast

If we are lucky we will get some wet stuff. In the mean time ...

Colorado needs a new budget. It's a moving target and Bell Policy Center President Wade Buchanan gives us an update on what passed the Colorado House, what is good and where are the remaining deficiencies.

We have to talk about this. People of different races and ethnic groups are shooting each other. Incidental or deliberate, the tensions still divide us as communities and as a nation. Former Colorado Speaker Terrance Carroll discusses. Note: We do not conduct trials on ORR - that is for the courts - but the issues are too important to ignore.

Guilt by association in an ideological mashup: Immigrant support group Compañeros is under threat of defunding because they share a partnership with One Colorado. Huh? Right. One Colorado's Brad Clark and Danny Quinlan from the La Plata Unity Project tell us what happened and what to expect.

Getting local. 
Q: If the economy is so bad, haw can anyone ask for a tax increase?
A: It's not bad. In fact it is growing in south Weld County and there is a need for expanded fire protection and rescue services. Fort Lupton Fire Protection District Chief Phil Tiffany explains a pair of ballot measures that will enable folks in the Fort Lupton area to continue counting on the service they expect. 

All voting is by mail, so if you need help getting a ballot contact:

Designated Election Official
Allyson Tkadlec
Fort Lupton Fire Protection District
Administration Office
1121 Denver Avenue
Fort Lupton, CO 80621
Between the hours of 8 AM and 5 PM, Monday through Friday.
Office Number 303 857 4603

More ballot information is available at

Friday, April 06, 2012

One in a Row - April 7 Lineup

ORR returns to a regular schedule for the summer, and I'm glad to be back!

The Affordable Care Act has already benefited millions of Americans. Bob Semro from the Bell Policy Center joins us to discuss how people have been helped and what they lose if it is overturned by the Supreme Court.

Colorado House Republicans decided that banks, mortgage companies and their lawyers deserve to foreclose on homeowners just by saying they want to, without producing any documentation of their right to do so. Corrine Fowler from the Colorado Progressive Coalition will explain a ballot initiative to protect homeowners.

Snowpack in Colorado is below average, but what does that really mean? Find out from Mage Skordahl of the Natural Resource Conservation Service and see if we can make better decisions about managing our water resources.

See you on the radio!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

February 18 Lineup
Here we are!

Bell Policy Center President Wade Buchanan on budget issues in the Colorado General Assembly.
Civil unions in Colorado? Update from One Colorado's Brad Clark on progress on that bill for equality.
We get them ready for college, then slam the door in their faces. Wrong answer! Julie Gonzales from Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition updates on the ASSET bill and other immigrant issues.
Finally - helicopter races in norther Colorado, amazing stories and a new variety of seriously hot chili.

Tune in at the usual time of 2:00 p.m. MT. We'll see you on the radio!

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Update: Confirming Show on February 11

Vicki Cowart, President & CEO Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, will discuss the evolution of the current status of rules for women's preventive health care.

Confirmed: a visit with Colorado General Assembly Representative Dave Young for an update on the early stages of this year's session.

Tune in at 2:00 p.m. MT, but we may start a little late depending on the preceding basketball game. But we WILL be there!


Friday, January 13, 2012

Hey there!
Schedule change, so here we are on Saturday January 14!

Hollis Berendt, community activist: So how did the economy collapse in 2008, costing Americans $20 trillion? Really. Join other inquiring minds next week January 21 at 3:00 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 929 15th Street in Greeley to view and discuss the Academy Award winning documentary "Inside Job." See the trailer.

Rich Jones, Bell Policy Center: Priorities for the legislative session, what curve balls to watch for.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration: Tobias J. Guzmán, UNCO Assistant Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Access joins us to talk about how northern Colorado builds on the foundation of King's leadership.

2 p.m. MST.
Tune in!